You're pregnant!! Are you ready for this?

Photography is an amazing way to capture the rawness of pregnancy, birth & the newborn. This is a transformative time not only for you, but for everyone on your birthing team, including me. 

My clients love the photos I'm able to capture during these special moments. I'm pretty good with my Galaxy S9 and take amazing selfies.  🤳🏽 

Just imagine what a professional photographer could do! 

With more and more of my clients seeking out the best of the best, I've decided to find you just that.

I'm excited to announce that while I focus on supporting you as your Doula, (Soon to be Midwife) I have found the perfect addition to the team.

Yes, you read that right!!!

I've found an amazing photographer. 

I can't wait to introduce her to you. 

For now I'll leave you with a few photos.

Stay tuned for more amazingness……..

Meet Liz

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